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Mirroring a Maven GitHub Package in jFrog

In our Kotlin monorepo, we recently had a team who wanted to experiment with a Maven package that was published on GitHub Packages.

Unlike most public registries, GitHub Packages requires authentication to read (download) packages. We don't like to introduce new required credentials at the settings level, so rather than adding it using GitHub's instructions, we wanted to mirror it in jFrog Artifactory -- this would allow us to reuse the same credentials all developers already have configured locally.

Configuring a token in GitHub #

First, you'll need to configure a token for authentication in GitHub. Go to Settings > Developer Settings > Personal access tokens > Tokens (classic), then create a new token. The token must be a classic (not fine-grained) token to work for public package authentication. For scopes, select read:packages only.

To confirm your token will work properly, you can construct a test CURL command. As an example: in our case, we wanted to use the package io.hotmic.player.hotmic-android-sdk housed at GitHub project hotmic-wp/android-sdk. If you go to the project and look at the latest package release, it'll give you some Maven XML describing the groupId and artifactId:


Given the repo user (hotmic-wp), the repo (android-sdk), the groupId (io.hotmic.player) and the artifactId (hotmic-android-sdk), we can ask for the Maven metadata for the package on GitHub:


If this spits out a block of XML describing recent published versions, the token is ready!

Creating a jFrog Mirror #

On the Administration tab of jFrog, go to Remote and select Create Remote Repository.

Note that due to the structure of GitHub Packages repos, jFrog's normal "Test" button will not work! Don't bother using this feature to validate your credentials. Instead, create your remote repository, and then test it by using a new CURL command. In this case it will be the exact same URI as before, but we'll replace with For this request, you'll use your existing jFrog authorization token:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_JFROG_API_TOKEN" \

After a brief pause, this should return the same block of metadata XML that the first CURL command returned. If it did, the jFrog mirror is now ready to use!

Configuring Gradle #

In your settings.gradle.kts, add the following to your repositories block (replace the credentials with whatever credentials your developers typically use for access to jFrog).

maven(url = uri("")) {
    credentials {
        username = System.getenv("JFROG_USERNAME")
        password = System.getenv("JFROG_TOKEN")
    content {

Note the comment above the block: this helps keep track of the original source of truth for the package being used.

Final thoughts #

If you have to consume several GitHub packages this way, a common jFrog pattern is to take multiple remote mirrors and combine them into a single virtual repository. If you go this route, I recommend documenting the sources of truth using comments like above, and judicious includeGroup() policies, so that developers in the repo don't need to be jFrog admins to know where their packages are coming from.

Because it will be stored in jFrog for months at a time, you'll want a long-lived API token for your read:packages GitHub token. Unfortunately, there's no way to generate such a thing using a GitHub App, so you'll likely need a bot/service account for your GitHub org to generate this. This isn't ideal, as service accounts are somewhat messy; perhaps the recent announcement about the GitHub-jFrog collaboration will improve this situation in the future.

Thanks for reading!